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Saturday, February 21, 2009

gigs for the kids

Cushe for the tanods, that was the intention of this writer when she embarked on a fund raising activity that ended not so good but became a learning experience. Had it been supported by the people I was expecting to be on my side, it would have been a better one. But like they say, people have their own priorities and one should not rely on them. I was so disappointed. So much for helping people.. I am one who goes out of her way to help others but people take that for granted. I don't expect people to return the favors I do for them but sometimes, when you needed them most they desert you and it hurts... sometimes, the devil in me surfaces and taunts me "stop extending a hand. You keept on helping others who turns their back when you need one" It has been a difficult experience for me, it was not just my position that is put on the line but my integrity too.

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